Thursday, September 1, 2011

What is asthma?

A characteristic feature of asthma is cramping of the muscles in the bronchial wall, the swelling of the bronchial mucosa and the production of mucus. The consequences are the same symptoms, including coughing, wheezing, tightness in the airways to an asthma attack.

Asthmatics have a lasting inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which leads to a hypersensitivity of the airways. The result is a swelling of the mucous membrane and excessive secretion production, which constricts the bronchial tubes. In acute asthma attack is still a tension to the bronchial (bronchospasm), which leads mainly to a decrease in exhalation.

symptoms such as

     constant cough
     tightness in the chest
     thick mucus and
     a paroxysmal dyspnea

are typical features of an asthma sufferer.

forms of asthma

There are generally two different asthma types: the extrinsic or allergic asthma and non-allergic or intrinsic asthma. Mixed forms are possible.

The former is based on an allergy, which is regarded as a cause of asthma. Triggers are here especially dust mites, animal dander, pollen and molds. In adults, can also be occupational allergens (such as baker's asthma) are more important.

The non-allergic asthma is often reinforced by infections. Also occur frequently in parallel with a sinus inflammation, nasal polyps, an aspirin-intolerance (ASA-intolerance) or intolerance against similar drugs. In addition, factors such as weather, chemical irritants, perfumes, air pollutants adversely affect (especially cigarette smoke) and also the emotional stress asthma.

A special form of the Cough Variant Asthma (CVA) as well as a cough-equivalent asthma dar. These patients characteristically have a chronic dry cough, normal lung function and nonspecific bronchial hypersensitivity. Other typical asthma symptoms such as breathlessness and bronchial constriction are missing. The therapy is similar to that of a classic asthma, with the evolution and 16 percent to 30 percent of patients in the course of bronchial asthma.


An important building block for the diagnosis "asthma" is a careful history, so the doctor-patient dialogue. This is made because of the requested observations of the patient's symptoms and the first suspected diagnosis, which is in the course of physical examinations, measurement of lung function and bronchial hypersensitivity, and in rare cases, confirmed by radiographs or revised.

Our recommendations in asthma

     A chronic disease such as asthma requires continuous therapy.
     Smoking and asthma do not mix, you also avoid environments where people smoke.
     Avoid being overweight.
     Asthma and sports are not mutually exclusive.
     Against a sauna with asthma usually nothing wrong with that. Make sure if you an "infusion" is doing well. Omit if it leads to coughing and wheezing.
     Try to attend an outpatient or inpatient asthma education. It easier for you to deal with this disease (; addresses only training for children).
     Join in the disease management program of your health insurance!


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