Sunday, September 4, 2011

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a natural contraception method

The birth of your baby is often a turning point in your life. About things, think again after you: your job, your relationships, your house and what contraception you want to use again after "nine months free". A good time to also look to think about NFP, a method of contraception with no hormones useful. Anyone can learn NFP. Whether you're a regular cycle or not, you learn with your individual NFP fertile and infertile days well.

By applying this method you will learn exactly which days you are fertile and which days not. Your behavior until you your fertility. The difference of the NFP with hormonal contraceptive methods is that sexuality itself according to your natural fertility and not the other way: your body does not adapt to be able to experience your sexuality.

Symptoms in five body, the method teaches you to interpret, you can see if your body prepares for ovulation or just finished with it. As part of the NFP method that you send temperature and cervical mucus you observe. By applying the method rules with 100% certainty you know when your fertile period has ended. NFP is just as reliable as "the pill".

Research has shown that you get this high reliability if you have taken an NFP course, because you are then under the guidance of an experienced consultant, you also learn to apply reliably. With NFP you learn your own body and feel more woman!

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