Sunday, September 4, 2011

Longer maternity leave costs more than it brings

Expanding the current maternity leave of sixteen weeks with two weeks will cost 117 million, extended by four weeks will cost 322 million. This is the finding of SEO Economic Research Minister Donner of Social Affairs and Employment sent today to the House. The study was requested by the House conducted (Hijum of motion).

Longer leave has limited effects on absenteeism and use of care by the mother. The research shows that longer leave has no effect on the health of children. Does however leave more in additional costs for employers. Women do not work, but the employer will need to pay the wage. UWV pays the bulk of these costs, but employers are paying premiums. Employers also make costs because they often need to replace.

The European Parliament will vote this fall on an extension of maternity leave for eighteen or twenty weeks. Netherlands is against this extension. Minister Donner does a more flexible parental leave and better opportunities for work-life well combined.

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