Thursday, September 1, 2011

cosmetics understand

If the skin cleansing and care products, including itching, redness, blistering response, it can be a contact allergy. Safety is the allergy diagnosis. INCI stands for International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient.

Has confirmed the diagnosis of contact allergy, the allergens must be avoided. An important aid in the avoidance (avoidance) and also in the search for sustainable cosmetics is the list of cosmetic ingredients.

The German Allergy and Asthma Association has lobbied for years for full transparency of cosmetic ingredients. Since 1997, the so-called INCI-declaration is the law of cosmetic ingredients. These are specified on the packaging for a uniform pan-European fixed rule such as the ingredients of cosmetics.

Ingredients INCI means that all of the ingredients specified by their chemical or botanical names are called.

The advantages of complete labeling of cosmetics ingredients are obvious: above all, for contact allergies are complete, reliable and clear information about the ingredients of cosmetic products important.

The example of the Lemon Body Moisturizer, this is briefly explained.

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