Sunday, September 4, 2011

cervical incompetence

Most pregnancies are quite good and end in a pink cloud of happiness. But it is not always good and sometimes there are signs during pregnancy that suggest that something is not right. Important than on alert to respond. A possible cause of premature birth or miscarriage can include cervical incompetence.
What is cervical incompetence?
Cervical incompetence is initially painless progressive opening of the cervix (cervix). In other words, the cervix is ​​too weak (insufficiency) so it opens during pregnancy so there is a risk for premature delivery occurs.TopCervical incompetence
When can this occur?
Between 16 and 24 weeks some women may be faced with the problem of cervical incompetence. The reasons are (still) not fully known. There is, however, that the condition can occur due to the strong pull of the cervix. The risk is therefore higher in a multiple pregnancy. A previous trauma to the cervix, through operations like curretage, amputation, conization or cauterization, may also lead to cervical incompetence. For most women who have this problem, the cause can not be retrieved.
The probability that a subsequent pregnancy occurs again cervical incompetence is 15-30%.Top
Diagnosis: cervical incompetence
The determination of cervical incompetence is difficult because there is no diagnostic test available that can be performed. Unfortunately, so often only discovered after a woman had a miscarriage. The diagnosis is often established at that time by ruling out other possible causes.There are hardly any symptoms that you noticed. The opening is usually unnoticed, so you notice it until it's too late.Top
Treatment: The cerclage
Actually, a real cure is not possible, because if cervical incompetence is noted, the damage is already done. It is possible to opt for a preventive measure because by artificially keeping the cervix closed with a cerclage (the establishment of a support band around the cervix). For example, this can be chosen during a multiple pregnancy. The cerclage (Shirodkar operation) is mostly placed twelve to fourteen weeks, but it can sometimes be done - as an emergency procedure - later in pregnancy. The treatment usually takes place in the hospital, under epidural anesthesia. Often you can go home the same day.
After the support strap is attached you can get some more experience of separation. It is also important that you come with your doctor about how active you are may be, or you can have sex and how you can exercise. Usually there are no complications occurred during a voluntary but a cerclage noodcerclage, this is different. In any case, always consult with your doctor.

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