Thursday, September 1, 2011

Food allergy

The number of food allergies requiring treatment is estimated at five to seven percent of the population. Major cause of childhood are cow's milk, soy and egg. Adolescents and adults respond more frequently to raw vegetables and fruits, spices and nuts. These reactions occur in combination with a concomitant pollen allergy. The keyword is cross-allergy.
Allergic reactions to food are not limited to specific organs. The most common symptoms include skin and mucosal reactions (hives, rashes, redness, itching, Quincke's edema). Reactions in the ear, nose and throat area (sneezing, runny nose), the bronchi (cough, breathlessness, phlegm) or in the gastro-intestinal tract, such as bloating, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea or constipation. The most severe allergic reaction to food is anaphylactic shock, which manifests itself in the form of a life-threatening circulatory collapse.
An allergy means always an immunologically mediated reaction. The body reacts to normally harmless substances from the environment over firing by increasing antibodies - IgE type - against the perceived source of danger - in this case a food - is. Trigger the reaction here is not the whole foods, but only a very small part of a protein (protein =) component, such as components of cow's milk or soy protein. Come on complaints related to the consumption of food in the context, the cause is unclear, however, it is called pseudo-allergies. Trigger pseudo-allergic reactions are additive (azo dyes, preservatives, dyes), natural food ingredients (salicylic acid and benzoic acid and flavorings) and flavor enhancers. As the term suggests, can the symptoms are similar to those lacking the allergy, but the immunological trigger. Continue to distinguish from allergic disorders utilization of milk and fruit sugar (lactose intolerance and fructose malabsorption) and the autoimmune disease (gluten intolerance) are.
Diet - yes or no?
The prerequisite for effective treatment of food allergy is the most serious diagnosis. Be patient, especially in children, because of suspicions hastily put on strict diets. This is often a lack of nutrition and diet, stress result. The first choice for the treatment of food allergy, is to clear diagnosis, in the parental diet, ie Avoiding the foods or ingredients that cause problems. But it is important not simply omit a food, but to ensure a balanced diet with allergies and have to continue to enjoy the meal. Why is that every food waiting to be personalized and accompanied by a dietician specializing in allergology. Conveys the German Allergy and Asthma Association will be happy to talk to an expert on site. In the German Allergy and Asthma Association, more than 700 dietitians are involved in a network.
Tips for Food Allergy

Some allergens in food are destroyed by processing methods such as heating, grinding or souring. Especially with fruits and some vegetables, this is the case. Try an apple-allergic thus prefer apple pie or stewed, as a raw apple.
Nuts, celery, peanuts and most of the animal triggers for allergies are more heat stable, so here is the complete avoidance of the food needed.
Find out whether the allergy triggers a "hidden allergen" products, or processed in bulk lots at the bakers, butchers, etc. can occur.
Be careful with allergies on a balanced diet. Take an individual nutrition counseling. The costs are subsidized by your health insurance.
Keep a food diary symptom. In this book, you enter the foods consumed, environmental factors, medications and symptoms. EV forms are available at the German Allergy and Asthma Association

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