Thursday, September 1, 2011

The peak-flow measurement

Peak flow meters are an important tool to control the progression of asthma and they allow an assessment of therapeutic success. These are handy devices with a mouthpiece into which you blow hard into it after inhaling or exhaling.

The efficiency of the respiratory tract can be determined and regularly reviewed at home or while traveling on the degree of constriction of the bronchi. The measurement is easy to perform. Within an asthma education can learn to use a peak flow meter in detail. The results can be entered in a daily diary. This regular monitoring allows the patient to give the doctor a good overview of the development of asthma. The diary should be brought to every doctor visit, so that treatment can be optimized.

Protocol run and enter values

First established in consultation with the physician's personal peak flow best value. This happens, as measured by a period of two to three weeks of peak flow and the values ​​are listed. If the entered values ​​are connected to each other, the degree of airway constriction expressed in curves. The curves in asthma patients, the typical fluctuations in airway resistance.

In COPD patients are usually not as strong fluctuations in the peak flow measured here, the course of measurement used to determine the achieved extent of broncho constriction and acute exacerbation quickly perceive. The peak-flow protocol suffice says something about whether your medications in order to protect you from pain.
  To measure the peak flow properly

Use the peak flow meter for the first time under the guidance of the best (doctor, asthma coach, trained personnel).

     Preparing: Place the gauge all the way down (to 0), set down or, if you set up straight and hold the device straight, horizontally in front of the mouth.
     Measure: Inhale as deeply as possible, enclose the mouthpiece firmly with your lips and breathe as hard and as fast as possible with a strong puff of breath into the device. Imagine, you have to blow out a candle. The gauge must not be obstructed by the fingers. The achieved value is displayed in liters of air per minute. Repeat the test 2-3x in a row.
     Read and submit: Enter the highest value of the measurements in the diary. The readings can be connected together in the log, so that gives a better overview of fluctuations of the measured values​​. For better clarity, asthmatics can highlight the three areas of the traffic light in color scheme. For COPD patients, the statements of the peak-flow curve and additional protocol to assess the complaint of a stable-unstable lung very important.

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