Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Retinopathy: Eye blindness

The duration of diabetes may cost his eyesight. About 11 percent of diabetes patients have become blind eye damage, 0.3 percent of all diabetics. Your eyesight fades, because tiny clogged arteries in the body, known as capillaries. They handed over all organs, including the eyes, nutrients and oxygen from the blood. Too much sugar in the blood can increase the inner walls of these small veins, they become leaky and thicker at the same time, until they eventually do their duty no longer can.

Of these, you feel nothing at first. But over time the holes in the walls of the capillaries so great that they let through material that should better stay in the blood: red blood cells and proteins maraud now through the eyeball. The more cores are destroyed in the retina of the eye, the stronger grow new capillaries. Because the eye is desperately trying to feed themselves. Nevertheless, the visual acuity decreases more and more.

Because the blood vessels proliferate everywhere, even in the interior of the eye, the vitreous humor. These new vessels can tear down quickly. Then the blood flows into the vitreous humor and clouds the view very strongly. The growths on the retina can heal and also tug at her. By this train, the retina may even detach from the underlying choroid. Then dies from the retina, blindness is the result.

It may also happen that get fluid and blood leaking from the capillaries to the point of sharpest vision, the so-called macula. It is located in the center of the retina and is full of visual cells. These so-called diabetic maculopathy and visual cells can destroy the blind.

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