Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bio book for children

Fans of organic!
Practical guide for young
in bookstores this October 27

Being greedy and self-care while respecting the planet, it is possible! This book, aimed at teenagers and students, their bio explains simply and give them the keys to themselves and become consumers.
With economic returns, fast and friendly cooking and body care.

Book of 144 pages - € 14

By Sylvie Hampikian, an expert in pharmacology and scientific advisor. It's a passionate woman, who already published by Living Earth "Create your cosmetics" and "Natural care for outdoor enthusiasts."

In the first part, the author explains to the teens, with lyrics simple but not simplistic, why the bio is a real solution to our health, our planet.
It clears the key concepts for understanding environmental issues and provides a benchmark for action in daily life. And become a responsible consumer!

The second part is devoted to practice. It offers recipes and cosmetics tailored to the priorities of young people: easy to make, quick, cheap and funny. An original way to take care of yourself at an age when we all turned upside down.

The first book on this topic that speaks directly to teens

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