Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How many carbs are ok?

Carbohydrates are the fuel for our bodies: they deliver the sugar that our cells need to live. This applies to people with diabetes as well as for healthy individuals. But is not the same carbohydrate carbohydrate: The different types are broken down quickly by the body differently.

Carbohydrates, for example, they whole-wheat, rice or fruit, are nothing else than a long, flavor-neutral sugar chains. Enzymes in the body, cut the chains into their component parts, into sugar molecules. And because the chopping takes the sweet packets arrive only little by little into the blood. Consequently, the sugar level rises in the blood at a slow pace.

Sugar, maltose and lactose must not be broken down in size. They decay rapidly to glucose. The sugar molecules go smoothly then quite quickly through the intestinal wall into the blood: the blood sugar level up fast in a short time. This is true not just for candy and cohorts. Also, soft drinks, fruit juices or sweets containing such sugar molecules.
Snacking is always allowed

Experts recommend that about half the calories come from carbohydrate-rich foods should. This means that a piece of cake or chocolate you can eat in any case. It is important to keep only to measure. General rule: The sweeter the food, the more insulin your body needs.

Look in nutrition tables: There is exactly which foods have how much carbohydrate units or units of bread. KE or BE A corresponds to 10 to 12 grams of sugar. So much sugar substances, for example, half a slice of brown bread, a slice of toast, half a banana, an apple, a small potato or two slices of crisp bread.

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