Tuesday, August 30, 2011

hypoglycemia information

Too much sugar in the blood means diabetes. But too little of the sweet substance in the bloodstream is not healthy. Then add sugar to your body. When a person applies hypoglycaemic if he has less than 50 milligrams in a deciliter of blood sugar body. That's about half a pinch of powdered sugar in a liter of blood.

People with diabetes can develop low blood sugar, because they may have injected too much insulin or because they have taken too much of their drugs. You may also therefore too little sugar in their blood circulates, because they have not thought that the body during exercise or stress consumes much more energy than normal sugar, and they therefore do not reduce your insulin dose.

You know when you add sugar under: you might have a furry feeling around the mouth. Might tingle your fingers and lips. You will probably be quite nervous and shaky, start sweating, your heart starts to race. At the same time you feel hungry for everything that is edible.

Eventually, the sugar level in blood is so low that your brain cells have almost no energy left and start off slowly. You can then concentrate any more, it's as if you were slightly drunk. Do you have difficulty speaking, you mumble, swallow whole syllables. Continue to take the Zuckernot, will ausknipsen your brain: you become unconscious.
Drink a glass of Coke!

So you do not tip over, you should quickly take action if you feel hypo. Eat glucose tablets or four, better yet, drink a glass of cola, lemonade or fruit juice sweetened. Because sugar is dissolved in water flows more quickly into the body.

Incidentally, you should eat in hypoglycaemia or not to drink light products. Such foods contain sweeteners or sugar substitutes that you use in this case nothing. You need real sugar!
Emergency call: that fainted!

You are already folded, soda or spoonful of sugar but are no longer sufficient to free you from fainting. On the contrary, you should be friends or relatives no longer inspire, because unconscious person can swallow a sudden - they screw up, they can later get pneumonia. Instead, friends or relatives you flip in the recovery position, and if you wear tight clothes, they open so you can breathe freely. And then immediately call an ambulance!

In addition, type 1 diabetics always carry an emergency kit with them. It also includes a glucagon injection. Glucagon is a hormone from the pancreas gland that stimulates the body to release sugar from its storage depot: The sugar in the blood level rises again. Glucagon should be injected directly into the muscles. This emergency syringe, you can enter in your state but no longer own. If you get the emergency kit, you show why a relative or best friend, as he deals with it.
A full noise is prohibited!

Live dangerously low blood sugar, you can also, if you drink more than one or two glasses of alcohol. Wine, beer and liquor can indeed ascend to the level of sugar in the blood. But at the same time employs the alcohol your liver so much that they come to nothing. So not normal to their job: to get out of their stores, and sugars into the blood.

Because you ASAP body lacks this sugar from the liver, with sugar as you can. Have you been drinking a lot of neat, you're liable to get violent seizures or even faint. For the rest, especially your brain suffers from lack of sugar. Can the bacon fat from depots of the body not burn it - because our attic feeds exclusively on sugar.

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