Saturday, December 18, 2010

32 weeks pregnant - 3 Tips

If you are 32 weeks pregnant, your child usually reaches a length of 40 to 42 inches. He / she weighs about 1700-1800 grams. You probably feel yourself becoming more tired and miserable ... Your uterus is now so great that the upper reaches halfway up sternum ... The placenta has already reached its maximum size and weight ... And move, sit, sleep and urination is more difficult. You have the purpose of your fatigue and discontent clearly in mind a little over 10 weeks ... you have a baby!
32 weeks pregnant - Tip 1: Development lungs

The lungs of your child are the main concerns when 32 weeks pregnant. The lungs should be well developed because voordatje baby is born. Around week 32 is a fatty substance in the lungs of your baby Fri This substance causes the alveoli or air sacs stay open when your baby is born. This prevents the lungs collapse when your baby after birth with breathing oxygen-rich air.
32 weeks pregnant - Tip 2: Hair Growth

The soft down which the body of your baby's skin was covered until recently, has been (almost) completely disappeared. For the tiny downy hair is thick and fine hair in place. In fact, you can baby in week 32 of pregnancy have a bunch head hair. It may also be that your child has no head hair. The current hair growth provides no guarantee for how the hair at later life will look like.
32 weeks pregnant - Tip 3: Bi-weekly monitoring midwife

If you are 32 weeks pregnant, then you go a long way. It is common that from week 31 or 32 every 2 weeks on control goes to the midwife. From week 37 or 38 you go every week to check. Every visit to the midwife to include the following aspects checked and recorded:

* Body weight
* Blood pressure
* Blood Values
* Urine
* Uterine Position
* Heart Show

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