Monday, December 20, 2010

29 weeks pregnant - 3 Tips

If you are 29 weeks pregnant, your baby - depending on his or her sex - about 36 to 38 inches long. He / she weighs about 1150-1250 grams. Your baby is now growing rapidly unwise. About 10 weeks your baby weighs three times as much as now! In most respects, your baby now "complete ". Everything is present and proportions. The skin has been tightened - not so wrinkly it - thanks to the construction of adipose tissue.
29 weeks pregnant - Tip 1: Lakes

Due to ever-increasing pressure from the uterus on the bladder, you increasingly go to the toilet to pass urine, even during night hours. The pressure of the uterus on the stomach, you suffer from heartburn, reflux and bowel problems. A healthy diet and sufficient exercise help your digestive system, liver and kidneys a helping hand and you can help prevent these diseases. Try your bladder before retiring completely "blank urine" in order to promote a good night's sleep.
29 weeks pregnant - Tip 2: Sleep

A big belly and all sorts of ailments do not make it easier for sleeping. Because your belly from the 29th week of pregnancy quite in the way, it is difficult to find a nice sleeping position. Additionally you will occasionally lose sleep from night cramps and joint pain. Preferably not sleep on your back. Doing so can cause palpitations and / or low blood pressure occur. Rather use a few pillows for a comfortable lateral position with bent legs. Place pillows against your back, under your belly and between your knees.
29 weeks pregnant - Tip 3: Size of your belly

If you are 29 weeks pregnant, your stomach already quite substantial. The size of your stomach says hardly anything about the status of your child (size, weight, sex, etc.). Some women carry their baby because "forwards " and others are "inside". In a second or subsequent baby, your stomach bigger because your muscles are stretched somewhat. In short, every woman is different. Not sure about the size or shape of your stomach, ask your GP, midwife or obstetrician.

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