Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Healthy Eating: 5 things you must eat at each meal

Healthy eating is not as difficult as you might think. If you follow a few basic rules then you are soon doing good for your health. This article contains 5 nutrients you should eat at each meal.
Healthy Eating Rule 1: Protein (proteins)

Depending on your weight and the activities you do on one day, your body between 40 and 75 grams of protein needed per day.

Because your body is not in one go can take, you should spread your meals. Fat dairy products, beans, chicken, turkey, fish and tofu are healthy sources of protein, but are low in fat and calories.

Healthy Eating Rule 2: Good Carbohydrates

Each meal for anyone who wants to eat healthy carbs would be good to contain. Healthy sources of good carbs include whole grain bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and fruit. Learn more about good and bad carbohydrates.
Healthy Eating Rule 3: Healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids)

Your body is unable to make unsaturated fatty acids, unlike saturated fatty acids. Therefore you ingest them through healthy eating. Not all fats are so unhealthy! Healthy fats you should eat at each meal are in: avocados, olives, olive oil, flaxseed oil, nuts and fish.
Healthy Eating Rule 4: Fiber

Fibre is very important for your body because they help your digestion. You can find them in almost all whole grain products, fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Healthy Eating Rule 5: Drink without sugar

Most drinks contain very high sugar ratio. So try regularly tea, coffee, smoothies and water to drink with no added sugar.

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