Monday, January 17, 2011

Chocolate - The good and bad qualities of chocolate

There are few people who do not like chocolate, and nice is just not always healthy. That does not augur well ... In the 16th century, the Spaniards the first cocoa beans from Mexico and South America to Europe. Since then, Europeans can not live without. After a lengthy process of cocoa bean chocolate fact be made. Chocolate consists of cocoa mass, sugar, milk powder, cocoa butter and lecithin. But what do these ingredients to your body? In short, chocolate is good or bad for you?
The good properties of chocolate

Chocolate has some positive nutritional qualities. Here are the health benefits of chocolate at a glance:

• Chocolate contains lecithin that a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels in the blood.
• Chocolate is rich in polyphenols. A polifenol is an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects against free radicals and slows down the combustion inside cells.
• Chocolate is rich in magnesium. Magnesium promotes energy metabolism, nerve transmission and muscle function.
• There is evidence that dark chocolate lowers blood pressure.
• Chocolate contains flavonoids. Flavonoids have a protective effect against heart disease.
• The taste of chocolate experience ensures the production of endorphins. Endorphin creates a euphoric feeling and suppresses pain.
• Chocolate contains phenylethylamine. Phenylethylamine'd love to do and feel so light as antidepressant works.
The bad properties of chocolate

Chocolate has not only advantages but also disadvantages. Here the negative nutritional properties of chocolate:

• In particular, milk and white chocolate contain much sugar. Of sugars, you fat and is bad for your teeth.
• Mainly white chocolate - but chocolate - contains large amounts of cocoa butter (theobromineolie). Cocoa Butter contains both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
• Chocolate contains milk, sugar and fat. This combination is difficult to digest certain compounds by the human frame.
• Chocolate is very rich in calories. Some chocolates contain up to about 600 kilocalories per 100 grams. Chocolate is so thick and should be eaten in moderation.
• Chocolate contains tannins (tannic acid). Tannin binds to iron and protein at the expense mainly of bacteria and also of our intestinal flora (good bacteria). In addition, the tannin discolored teeth.
• Chocolate contains oxalic acid that binds to calcium. This makes this mineral poorly absorbed by the body. Robber is a mineral.
• Chocolate is bad for rheumatism sufferers.
• Chocolate contains theobromine which can damage DNA indirectly.
• Chocolate works of addiction by the combination of the following: theobromine, anandamide, caffeine, tryptophan, theophylline, ocotpramine, ethylamine and isobutylamine.
• Chocolate is very harsh on the liver.

Chocolate is really any good qualities, but should be seen as a stimulant. Many eating chocolate makes you fat, so if you want to lose weight is not recommendable chocolate. Thanks to the many bad habits chocolate should be eaten in moderation and preferably in the form of "pure" chocolate.


rob said...

great start Fredi. I can't stress enough the value of PICTURES in your blog though... Health issues or not people love pics!

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