Sunday, October 9, 2011

pregnancy ailments

You're pregnant and that is great fun but ... You can also suffer from related ailments. Some belong alongside them, some you need a little more careful. We have tried wherever possible ailments (with possible solutions) to add together. Hopefully you have something. And ... if you do not trust? Always consult your doctor or midwife! They can help you or possibly reassure. And that is always very pleasant!


Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or around the anus. They can cause pain and itching and sometimes bleeding. They are often caused by constipation or constipation, or the relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles. This relaxation reduces namely to support the tissue surrounding the blood vessels.
To counteract the constipation it is best to much (water) drinking - about 2 liters per day - provide enough exercise and fiber diet. Fiber is found for example in brown bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, green vegetables and fruits. Try not to squeeze too much if you have hard stools. Use after you going to the toilet rather lukewarm water with a cotton ball than any toilet paper.


During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, acne occur again. Usually, after the first few months again.

band Pain

From the fourth month of pregnancy can suffer from ligament pain. Your abdominal cavity is bounded by muscle plates, sheets or webs tendon and your uterus is, as it were hanging from belts.

By the growth of your uterus are stretched and that these bands can be a tedious pain in your belly cause, especially when walking. The use of a cummerbund or support pants offer extra support and thereby reduces the irritating, stabbing pain.

pelvic Instability

The tires and tissues of the pelvic girdle soften, causing the pelvis to be flexible and agile. During pregnancy, a slight softening of the normal and functional parts: your child needs because the birth canal during delivery pass. When the softening is too strong, the pelvis relative movement between parts and the muscles and ligaments around the pelvic girdle to work extra hard to stabilize the pelvis. This instability causes pelvic pain and limits your mobility.
You can be tired and a scholarship or soreness around the pubic bone pain with radiation to get the upper legs. Walking, standing, sitting, turning in bed, cycling, driving ... it's all very difficult and causes much pain.

Pelvic instability can be so bad, being in a wheelchair. Sometimes therapy sometimes help.

Bladder (inflammation)

In the first month your uterus is growing so fast and press on your bladder. This means you urinate more frequently. But if you have a painful or burning sensation when urinating, just let your urine checked. Pregnant women are quite sensitive to a urinary tract infection or bladder infection.
Heavy drinking reduces the risk of infection because the bacteria will be washed away. Try to avoid clothes that pinch in the crotch.
At the end of pregnancy you will also need to urinate more often because then the head pressing on your bladder. Try to urinate a few times during the change of position in order to empty your bladder completely.


Anemia does not mean that you have a shortage of blood, but it means that you have a deficiency of iron. You can thus feel tired, dizzy and listless. Because your body during pregnancy creates an extra liter of blood (the placenta), iron deficiency can occur. Also, your child hides much iron in your blood. In order to prevent anemia it is best to eat iron rich foods. These are products such as meat, green vegetables, legumes, whole grains, et cetera. Your midwife or doctor can prescribe pills possibly steel.

bleeding gums

During your pregnancy you are more susceptible to bleeding gums.
It is during pregnancy calcium from your body and extracted under the influence of your hormones, your gums something softer. All reasons for an extra good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal with a soft brush and floss properly keep and / or stick it. An intermediate check with your dentist is recommended.

blood loss

During your pregnancy you are more susceptible to bleeding gums.
It is during pregnancy calcium from your body and extracted under the influence of your hormones, your gums something softer. All reasons for an extra good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal with a soft brush and floss properly keep and / or stick it. An intermediate check with your dentist is recommended.


After the twentieth week of pregnancy can suffer from heartburn (often overnight), or regurgitation.
It has two causes. On the one hand by the large amount of progesterone your body produces, making the sphincter of the stomach as weaker. On the other hand, expresses the growing uterus, the stomach slightly upwards causing gastric juices into the esophagus can get.
Put the head of your mattress slightly, eat smaller portions of food and sit with spices, fat, onions and coffee. Warm milk and a dry biscuit, it enlightening. A cup of ginger tea can help. Try carbonated drinks, strong coffee, fatty foods, acidic fruit juices and crisp herbs to avoid. Eat several rather small (er) servings a day than three large meals.

cervical incompetence

Cervical incompetence is initially painless progressive opening of the cervix (cervix). In other words, the cervix is too weak (insufficiency) so it opens during pregnancy so there is a risk for premature delivery occurs.


Pregnancy is a period full of emotion. In childbirth, some emotional instability - from happiness to sadness - normal.

pass out

In early pregnancy you may experience a sudden drop in blood pressure which the short-term brains have a lack of oxygen. Standing up quickly and the sudden transition to a hot and humid environment can all lead to fainting.
Avoid smoky rooms and do not be too long. If you are feeling low, just go sit or lie with your feet up.

hard bellies

This hard bellies caused by involuntary contractions of the uterus. They can occur at an early stage. As long as they are not too many and too painful, it's not bad, but it can sometimes be quite tedious. They are often a sign that you've been too busy.

Your uterine muscles exert the contract for delivery, which are notorious for Braxton-Hicks contractions. These practice contractions are not painful, but feels like cramping, your belly feels tight and hard. If they occur more often and you're not ready you can go like, tell your midwife.

Hair and nails

During your pregnancy, your finger and toe nails are stronger than they ever were. They can also grow faster! This goes for your hair and we mean not just your hair. Unfortunately, the accelerated hair growth spontaneously in less suitable areas such as in your face or on your stomach.
Fortunately, the excess hair disappears again automatically from the moment your baby is born. Until that time, but the razor or tweezers at your fingertips!


If you have a headache, try to rest. Exercise, stress and work pressure can cause headaches, but headaches can also occur due to increased blood pressure - this is not good for your baby. Do you suffer from headaches or has it been set up, inform during your control.

hyperemesis gravidarum

If you suffer from nausea and vomiting in an extreme form, this is hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) called. HG occurs in about 0.5% to 2% of pregnancies and pregnancy women with this disease are hardly capable of anything liquid or food inside to get or keep and have a sip of water sometimes vomiting. Such an extreme form of nausea and vomiting leading to dehydration, weight loss and other complications. Often a hospitalization is inevitable.


Some women experience some leakage of light. This is because the muscles of the pelvic floor are stretched. Especially when running, coughing and sneezing may occur.


Some pregnant women may suffer a lot of itching on their stomachs. Make sure you at least do not wear clothes that tickles. Soft cotton is better than synthetic fabrics. A simple home remedy against itching is a potato grating (or cut it into slices) and with your belly rub. Do you itch elsewhere on your body, then you can better tell your obstetrician or gynecologist. It may be that a medical cause for the itch, such as iron deficiency or a form of jaundice.


The cause of muscle cramps in the calf (or foot) is not entirely clear. It is common during pregnancy, as pregnancy progresses, you can also look to have more problems. Some doctors think it is related to a reduced calcium or magnesium, others believe it has to do with reduced blood flow. That might explain why calf cramps especially at night occurs - the blood is reduced.

Care during the day for good blood flow (not too much it) and sleep with your feet up. You may change a bedtime shower (with hot water and start changing this with a quick cold shower and repeat this several times). Extra calcium may also reduce symptoms. You still get cramps, stretch the muscles a bit. Keep your legs straight and pull your toes firmly in the direction of your nose. Maybe your partner can play a little help. Also a walk or a massage can also be beneficial work.


Through the influence of hormones has a large number of women (70%) in the first months of pregnancy nausea. For most women restricts itself to the morning, but some women have all day to load. Between 12 - 16 weeks, there is a change in the composition of the pregnancy hormones. Often occurs over an improvement in morning sickness. Some people say that the nausea is due to the fact that you are sensitive to odors or because your metabolism changes. However, nausea is never pleasant.

To minimize this we have a few tips for you to put together a list:

     Rather eat a few times a day small meals, three times enlarged.
     Do not stand on an empty stomach. Ask your partner a little breakfast in bed or place to bring a roll or a biscuit pack crackers on your nightstand.
     Stay in the morning a little longer in your bed.
     Use lots of fruits and raw vegetables, wholemeal bread and herbal tea.
     Please note that a good bowel movement.
     Ginger may reduce nausea (promotes bowel function) but it is also an effective remedy for heartburn.
     Drink a cup of ginger tea.
     Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

In an extreme form of vomiting (nothing inside can keep), dehydration can occur. Warn your doctor is always in that case. There may indeed be hyperemesis gravidarum.


The pregnancy consumes much energy from your body. This what you're more tired than usual. Give only to it and go in the afternoon or enjoying a nap. Fatigue is often the worst after three months passed. If you are very tired still ask your doctor or midwife, or he'll iron content (Hb) controls.


Because the lining of your nose and sinuses swell under the influence of hormones during pregnancy can suffer more from a nosebleed. Blow your nose with care.

swollen ankles

At the end of your pregnancy you suffer from swollen ankles. This may indicate that more water retention. Put your legs frequently as high.

Many women suffer from back during pregnancy. Usually at the end of a pregnancy, but symptoms can also occur earlier.There are several possible reasons for these complaints. One possibility is the change of gravity in your body. But a change in the curvature of your spine is referred to as 'culprit' designated. This curvature is caused by the enlargement of the uterus.Try during the day not too long after each other. If you do get problems with your back, then a hot water bag on your back for relief. Possibly in combination with paracetamol.There are special maternity belts, but they do not always work. Discuss this with your doctor if necessary.

Fungal infections (Candida albicans)
During pregnancy, what witverlies more than usual. But if it itches, painful or burning feeling, you probably have a yeast infection.It is a common disorder that is due to changes in the acidity of the vagina. Your doctor may want to treat in this case a vaginal cream or tablets.

At the end of your pregnancy you feel tired because you have trouble sleeping and / or fall asleep. Your expanding belly a little in the way and it is therefore increasingly difficult to find a nice attitude.Provide sufficient exercise during the day. Try to avoid stress and take less-ambitious. Eat the evening no heavy meals and get enough room air. Take a warm bath before going to sleep, drink a cup of warm milk or chamomile tea before you crawl into bed and grab a good book. Never take a sleeping pill on their own initiative.

Varicose veins
Varicose veins caused by congestion and impaired valve function in the leg vessels. During pregnancy complicates an enlarged uterus also the blood upward, causing additional congestion in the leg vessels occurs. Prefer not to wear high heels during pregnancy. Every now and try to sit with your legs high.Top
Vaginal discharge
During pregnancy you suffer from more vaginal discharge (white discharge). This discharge is thin, white and virtually odorless. Using a vaginal spray is not recommended. The natural defense against vaginal infections by using this disrupted.
However, if it itches, brown, yellow or green, or fire ring feels painful or stronger smell goes, it may be that you have a fungal infection. In that case, you have to contact your doctor.

Forgetfulness (zwangerschapsdemensie) and clumsiness
Do not look strange when you find your car keys in the freezer or if you just saved the package and contents have thrown away ... Believe it or not, this may be a result of your pregnancy. To our knowledge there is no known medical cause for this ailment, but some women during pregnancy more scattered than usual and sometimes also clumsier. You do not have to worry, at least it is temporary. Once your baby is born, you are just as keen as ever!

Constipation (constipation)
The bowel works more slowly during pregnancy. Do not take laxatives during your pregnancy. Many agents cause contractions (muscle movements) which also affect your uterus and then can lead to abortion.What you can do is eat soaked dried fruit (apricots or prunes), enough to drink (half to two liters a day) and high fiber food (wholemeal bread, fruit and vegetables).

Fluid retention is necessary to sagging and stretch the tissues. It mainly occurs when you are tall or if it is hot, especially in the ankles, legs and fingers. Pay attention to your right and take the rings off your fingers prematurely. It's very annoying when you no longer can get away.Drink at least 2.5 liters (water) on one day and avoid prolonged standing. You can also use your legs to sleep. If you are an extreme amount of fluid retention, please contact your doctor or midwife.

Pregnancy Mask
Under the influence of hormones and sunlight, a mottled yellow-brown skin discoloration occur. You can avoid this with a good sunblock in the sun to go, or better yet, sit under an umbrella.

Stretch marks (striae)
These are tiny cracks in the bottom layer of your skin. These arise because the skin in a short time is very stretched. They are often found at the bottom of your stomach and your navel. You can not avoid, and it is also impossible. Fortunately, they do fade over time. Keep your skin as possible by providing your skin with special products, supple. There are brands that have developed a special line for pregnant women.

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