Sunday, October 9, 2011

Labor starts

The deadline is approaching. There are few women on the due date of child birth. A normal delivery takes place at a gestational age between the 38th and 42nd week. A child is most viable from a 26 weeks gestation. But if your child already born is still quite fragile and will have a good time to spend in an incubator.
Okay, your due date approaches, but when does it exactly? You obviously do not want to risk it, but you do not want too soon to sound the alarm. Talk extensively during your pregnancy with your obstetrician or gynecologist about it. They can indicate exactly when and at what point you the best can pull the alarm.

for Labor

Throughout the pregnancy, the womb regularly. These are sometimes called hard bellies. These contractions give way for labor.
For Contractions are very irregular. Sometimes there is a few minutes apart, then one hour, the strength of labor varies. They can be annoying especially at night, you can suffer. At night, the uterus is the most irritable.
Contractions can sometimes for long time to come three minutes. It seems then as if labor has begun but will not gradually stronger contractions and duration much shorter (30-40 seconds). In this they differ from real contractions, which at least one minute long and increasingly powerful.

Of labor to get no access, but they make sure that the head indaalt deeper and softer the cervix is.


Verschillende aankondigingen
Spannend: het is nu bijna zover! Je hebt er negen maanden op moeten wachten, maar je baby gaat nu komen. Er zijn verschillende aankondigingen mogelijk en dit zal per persoon verschillen.
Eerste signalen (langer van te voren)
Een paar weken voor de bevalling kan je kindje al indalen in de bekken. Dit kan een drukkend gevoel geven op de vagina en soms zelfs een scherpe pijn uitstralen. Een prettige bijkomstigheid is dat je baarmoeder weer wat lager komt te liggen, zodat je weer wat beter kunt ademhalen.
Slijmerige afscheiding, vermengd met wat bloed (door de veranderingen aan de cervix (baarmoedermond).
Diarree: De productie van prostaglandines (stoffen die zorgen voor het samentrekken van de baarmoeder) kunnen ook diarree veroorzaken.

types of contractions

A contraction is a powerful and regular contractions of the uterine muscle. This contract is the smaller space for the baby and the baby is pushed down. Nobody can explain how you feel a contraction. A contraction is a start, a peak and a spout. On average it takes a strong contraction from the beginning to the end about a half minutes.
There are different types of contractions:


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