Sunday, October 9, 2011

Good and safe sleep

In the beginning, your baby lots of sleep. His day is actually little more than sleep, eat, cuddle, hug and produce full diapers. Your newborn baby has an average of 18 hours sleep a day. But there are kids who slightly less (16 hours) or slightly more (20 hours) per day have sufficient feel. Generally sleep a newborn baby every three hours, after which he was about fifteen minutes awake.

If you feel that your baby does not sleep enough, try some extra rest for him to create. He sleeps in the living room? Try it in a separate room to sleep. He just sleeps in a separate room? Try the living room to sleep. Your voice and sounds around him, he can actually very quiet and familiar feel, making it easy to sleep,. Most babies will be half years after the night sleep. Most have until that time at night need a bottle. Usually, the more active your baby is, the more energy it consumes and the better he sleeps.

As your child gets older, he increasingly longer periods of wakefulness in a row. Often your child has a pattern of sleeping and he sleeps developed every day at about the same times.
The first 20 minutes a baby to sleep, they sleep more light. Then they get into a deep sleep. At such times she could not wake until they have enough sleep.
The breathing of a newborn baby is still very irregular. It varied from fast, slow, deep, and sometimes not at all a few seconds. This is normal. Most babies begin until after 4 months of regular breathing. Of course there are exceptions, these babies breathe very quickly (or equivalent) regularly.


sleep Tips

Your baby will not sleep, but of course you want that he goes to sleep. For his health, but also to just have your hands free. Yet he lay in his crib and let him cry it is not an option. He is not happier, and neither did you, because it is a fabulously fun hearing screams. Fortunately, there are some methods you can try. And who knows ... will do the trick!

Comfort or cry?

It is a myth that you will spoil your baby if you give him comfort when he cries at night. Research has shown that you can not spoil young babies, especially the first six months. Only after that period they will understand more and perhaps cry 'use' to get your attention. If your baby at night crying first see if there is a logical cause. Dirty diaper? Pain? Hunger? Is not the case then of course also be that your child just needs your attention. When you comfort him when he is sad, he will quickly feel safe and ultimately less cry.
Of course you should wait a few minutes before rushing to him, some babies cry to get back to sleep. Should be no less crying, you baby then but tasty comfort.

 To prevent your baby's head is flat on one side, it is important to regularly change his sleeping position. A baby who sleeps on his back, can very easily at one time with his head to the left and the other time with his head to the right. Place a doll down on the side where his eyes are focused. This is like a recognition for yourself to know on which side he has located the last time.The first two weeks it is safe for your baby on his side to go because he can not yet run on his tummy. After this time he does and it is therefore wise for your baby to lay on his back. A prone position may hinder breathing.A sleeping bag can help keep your baby on his back to leave and avoid anyway he will turn around to his belly.
TemperatureProper temperature is important. Research has shown that too high a temperature for a sleep likely causes of SIDS. To feel if your baby too hot or too cold in his crib, it is best just to feel his neck. Are nekhaartjes moist, then your baby too hot. If the neck is cold, try as soon as your baby is a bit warmer. A dry, warm neck is fine. After the first week is a room temperature of 16-18 degrees is sufficient.
No barriersYour baby may not encounter obstacles in his crib for air targets. His bed should be well fixed to his bed and 'short' are made, so your baby never crawl under his bed.Do not use a pillow or head and zijwantbeschermers, pool mattresses, harnesses, ropes, and / or covers. Also make sure that your child not one (curtain) cord or cord. He was this entanglement.
Among you?The opinions of experts are a bit divided therein. One says you do not want your child to take between you. The other says that it is right for your child very comfortable and familiar can be. Consumer Safety Institute recommends that with the following arguments:

Your baby's breathing may be affected
There may of hyperthermia (one blanket insulates too well)
You can sleep in your blanket over yourself and pull your baby so he can not breathe freely.
The bedThe crib bars should have a minimum 4.5 and maximum 6.5 cm apart. The bars have to go through to the bottom. The mattress should be firm and thick (8 cm) enough so that the face of your child is not to sink. The mattress should also fit in the bed and the space between mattress and bed must not exceed 2 cm. The mattress must not have plastic.A quilt for children under two years are not safe. Rather use a blanket (not too thick).If your child tries to turn around, you can use a sleeping bag. Make sure you buy the right size. A baby has no pillow is required.

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