Sunday, October 9, 2011

Baby Swimming is fun. Baby swimming: a special experience

With games and songs make your baby for the first time with the great water: good move freely, and splash splashing, floating and swinging, first finger a few drops on the head and then - together with mum - submerged ...
Playfully teaches your child as the possibilities and impossibilities of water know, freedom of movement promotes the development of the muscles - and at a later stage to coordinate arms and legs. The impressions that your baby while bathing gain are new, intense and fun - and he does it with you! By the constant contact with your child holding creates an even tighter bond. It's nice to see how even small babies react to water ... Water is finally the best toy of all!

practical information

You basically have six weeks to start baby swimming, with twelve weeks your baby is a little better on temperature. The right time to start depends on a couple things: the rules regarding age of the pool, if the opinion of the clinic (eg after the first vaccination), the constitution of your child and yours. To determine your baby get used to the transition to the relatively cooler pool water at home, you can gradually the temperature of the bath water a little lower each time. The lessons last about thirty minutes, there is usually taught in small groups, ranging in age from example 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years, from 2 to 3 years and 3 years . For the right composition of groups, minimum age criteria, the lessons and rates you should contact with the pool of your choice. Most pools use a combination rate for supervisor and child on average between 3.50 to 5.00 per lesson.
It is wise to bring your baby an hour before class no longer supply it. Your baby has no diaper in the water but a dedicated swim diaper or just swimming trunks.
When the lesson is finished showering the most obvious conclusion, but especially the little ones is often a violent, noisy experience. Nice and warm and dry rub and rub well with oily lotion or baby oil is sufficient. The pools to infant / toddler swimming are dealing mostly aankleedkussens, lazy inhibitors, microwaves and other specific issues that you are free baby allowed to use.
Dress your baby warm enough, it seems hot and stuffy after class but for the kids, the transition to the big air (outside the summer season is a hat is not a luxury).


Concerns by examining Belgium

Earlier this year there was a lot of concern among parents of infants and toddlers to swim in chlorinated water. A study in Belgium (by prof. A. Bernhard, toxicologist affiliated with the Catholic University of Leuven) showed a clear link between swimming in chlorinated water and an increased risk of asthma and bronchitis in children. Also from studies conducted in England, Germany and Sweden showed that there was a link between indoor swimming pools and asthma / bronchitis.
In the Netherlands there was insufficient knowledge on the subject and the government said in February this year a study into the effects of using chlorine in indoor pools. There are currently few research results, other studies are still ongoing. Without getting too technical, this is what from the research of IRAS / NKAL and other publications of the Ministry to make:

     The results from the study in Belgium are not relevant to the Dutch situation
     there is too little known study to establish a link between childhood asthma and pool visits
     in the Netherlands, strict rules and standards applied for the use of disinfectants
     reduction of the chlorine in swimming pools is not an option, it gives potential spread of infectious diseases
     There is now increasingly used for bathing water ozone treatment to purify
     There are experimenting with activated carbon filtration with sand filters

There are also many chemical reactions known calculations and the use of chlorine and other disinfectants in swimming pools, but we were a bit too complicated. One thing is certain: you can have as a parent / guardian assume that swimming in indoor pools in the Netherlands is safe for you and your child!

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