Saturday, March 12, 2011

Failure of medical students in France


When the optical studies to become a solution for the "stuck" in the first half

With the reform of medical studies, about 15% of students enrolled in first year medical, pharmacy and dentistry will find themselves in situations of failure of the months of January, February.

About 3000 French students will gather in situations of failure to complete the first half. For these recalibrated, it is an urgent need to find a way out, not to lose an entire school year.

Faced with this situation, no solutions are implemented reorientation. That is why ISO (higher institute of optics) has created an accelerated course in optics, allowing recalibrated of intensive training and pass the first year of BTS Optics in six months.

A first year on a fast growth industry: optics

Faced with the impasse that is the medical students with the worst exam results in December, the institute offers a superior optical 1st year accelerated.

Exclusively for freshmen academic, Licence1 Licence1 Health and Science, wishing to reorient their failure after the first semester, this course is specifically arranged for a quick refresher:

From February to July, students will complete 37 hours of lectures, tutorials and practical work per week. Following this intensive training, students integrate the regular curriculum of a second year of BTS Optician Lunetier ISO.

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