Health Research
Example: disease symptoms, health boards, etc..
Personalized search technology with Google
Screening tests for heart problem
Course du Coeur 2010, organized by the French Federation of Cardiology
This event offers public screening tests for many problems in attack.
A preview of the Heart Route, cardiologists of the FFC disclose the results of two studies of young population that is of particular concern.
In France, 20 million people are affected by cardiovascular risk.
24 and 25 April next course will be held on the Heart. Organized by the French Federation of Cardiology in over 1000 cities, the most important manifestation of health prevention in France.
- By changing the way we live very simply, we can affect our heart health!
- The habits of young people are worrying about their health tomorrow.
Appointment to see a lot of information, fact sheets, updated figures, and of course specialists in cardiology in France.
In addition to activities, visitors will benefit from screening tests (glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure check, measurement of tobacco abuse, etc.).
The Course of the Heart is a national event, very locally rooted, festive, family, with many physical activities available to all, and testing of cardiovascular risks. For the first time this year the route of the Heart are organized for school.
Appointment for the 35th Course of the Heart on Saturday 24 and Sunday, April 25, 2010
Young people today are they the heart of tomorrow?
The accumulation of bad habits concerned cardiologists.
For professionals, a preview of the 35th Course of the Heart, the French Federation of Cardiology presents the results of the survey "Youth and their heart" and its annual survey "Youth and tobacco."
Scale operation in six major cities of Nantes
Cities: Brest / Lille / Nantes / Lyon / Bordeaux and Paris rally special.
They each hold a demonstration village, heart health and free access.